
Brookfield Schools, accredited through the National Commission for the Accreditation of Special Education Services (NCASES), has a 40-year history of serving students throughout the State of New Jersey and provides the educational programs for CFG Residentials, LLC. Their mission is to provide innovative, practical, and effective education for students with special emotional needs.

Two people in a professional setting are having a discussion. One is an older man wearing a yellow shirt and red tie, holding a pen and paper. The other is a younger woman in a blue shirt, also holding a pen and taking notes.

The NJ Office of Education through the Department of Children and Families oversees the program. They provide a comprehensive Child Study Team (CST) to develop Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) and conduct any necessary evaluations.

While a child is in treatment at CFG Residentials, LLC our staff maintains communication with the student’s district of residence and makes decisions based on their requirements. Students continue to accumulate the credits necessary to earn their high school diploma. They attend a full day structured program for a 220-day school year. Educational staff works in conjunction with therapeutic staff to provide a comprehensive program and to design academic and social/emotional treatment goals for each student in the program.

There is one teacher and one assistant working with the students throughout the school day. The fully certified and highly qualified staff implements Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) in all subject areas utilizing a wide range of techniques. The educational staff is there to assist students achieve their full potential. They incorporate many learning experiences within the classroom setting including hands-on experiences, field trips, higher order thinking skills, cooperative groups, games and projects. Teachers also facilitate online programs such as Plato, Study Island and Reading Horizons via lap top computers.

The educational staff at CFG Residentials, LLC is committed to providing all students with an appropriate education that addresses their individual needs and ultimately assists them in achieving their long range goals.